The daily adventures of a swingin' tom cat... or a lazy housecat, depending on who you ask.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


OK, so not much has changed in the last few days. The Woman and The Baby are still gone away from me, and The Man still has to go to work all the time. I'm still yelling at him, but I haven't felt a need to pee on the bed again- I think that's a relief to both of us!

The good news is that The Man is trying to pay lots of attantion to me, even though he says I'm being very needy and irritating. A few days ago we were playing with my lovely fishing-rod-toy-with-the-feathers-and-the-bell-on-it, and he left to get something from the kitchen... by the time he got back, I was passed out on the floor. He wore me right out! He has tried to give me much love, but I still miss having my whole family here.

Oops- did I just call the humans my family? I'd better watch that...


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