The daily adventures of a swingin' tom cat... or a lazy housecat, depending on who you ask.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I have nothing interesting to write about today. My agenda consisted of the following:

-sleep on the end of the bed until disrupted by the making of said bed.

-yell at the disruptor and leave in a huff.

-yell at The Woman in the kitchen because my food has been put on the counter. Continue yelling until I am also put on the counter.

-go back to bed.

-crappe chateau break- wonder why they don't put a nice poster or some news clippings on the wall for me to look at.

-back to bed.

-bath time- serenade The Woman and The Man with Cello* Concerto in the key of Ass. Wonder why they are laughing.

-nap time.

That brings us to now... I just yelled at The Woman to let me out of the bedroom, where I've been sleeping for what... 4, 5 hours, now?

Life is rough...

*note to the uninitiated: When a cat is washing his bottom or thigh with a leg stuck straight up in the air, toes pointed? That's "playing the cello," because apparently that's what it looks like we're doing. I don't get it, but there you go.


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