As if it's not bad enough that this guy came into my house and is being all charming to MY people, sleeping on MY bed and eating MY food, now he's trying to share my hobbies, too. Yes, just when I was starting to think that this guy might not be so bad after all, The Woman goes and makes him a Catster page. The good news is that my page kicks his page's butt; the only picture he has is not very good. Unfortunately, The Woman is beginning to understand him a little, and she helped him do a diary entry today. Can I just say, I am not amused? I'm the best writer in this family, and I don't appreciate him trying to get a cut of the action. He's already got cats wanting to be his friends, and he's been invited to join a group. Bah!
The Woman says I should try to be big about this. So, in the spirit of proving that my confidence in my superiority is in no way threatened by this new development, I will share his address with you (knowing that I will always be your favourite):
Oh, and you needn't bother checking up on his diary as often as you do mine; I told him that he'd better not be trying to take any of my computer time away from me, and I'm sure he won't have anything interesting to say, anyway.
New brothers are not easy to deal with. I sympathize, Charlie. After all, I've had three invade my house! One moved out, but the other two are still here.
2:18 PM
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