P.U. Puss
Eeeew. I made a BIG stink. Again. The Man is going to come out of the bedroom when he wakes up and be like, "Awww, Charlie! Why do you stink, you Smelly Cat?" And I'll be like, "Dude! It's your turn to clean out the Crappe Chateau. Just do it, man!"
I'd try to blame it on Gus- he's got some stinky poops, too- but I always give myself away. See, the People always know when I've made a poop even before they smell it because I FREAK OUT. I can't help it! I take off from the door of the Crappe Chateau and run all over the house, yowling and bouncing off whatever walls I run into. This morning I tried to run straight to the window ledge in the bedroom. I would've made it too, except that the door was closed. Owwww...
The Man's theory is that I'm fleeing the scene of the stink so it doesn't kill me. I say not so... but I don't actually know why I freak out. I also don't know why he complains about it. At least he gets a warning about what's coming, and he has time to get the hissssssss-y spray thing out that makes the air to have a different stink that isn't my stink.
Oops- here it comes now. Gotta go!
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