The daily adventures of a swingin' tom cat... or a lazy housecat, depending on who you ask.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Behind Again

Once again, The Woman has been neglecting her secretarial duties. As a result, I can't even REMEMBER all the things I was going to write about. I'm a very busy Puss, and I can't be expected to keep track of every one of my adventures without regular blog entries. It's ridiculous. She is SO fired... as soon as I find a replacement.

Here's what's up: I've been sick. I'm feeling better now, but for a few days I was pretty miserable. It was just the same stupid thing again; it hurt when I peed, I always felt like I needed to go, and there was even a little blood in it. Eeew! I got in trouble for peeing on the bed, but I swear- I couldn't help it! That was before The People knew I was sick... I hope they feel TERRIBLE about being mad at the Poor, Poor Puss. Anyway, aside from sleeping a lot (as in even more than I normally do) and occasionally peeing outide the box, not much happened those few days. Not so exciting, right? But before THAT...

So much happened. First, The People moved all of the furniture in the living room around. They put a chair outside, and put the other one in The Kid's room, and they moved my throne to the kitchen. THEN they brought in a new chair and a couch! It smelled weird, not at all like our old stuff. It's great, though- I love evenings when The Man and The Woman are on the couch, and there's still room for MEEEE! Of course, Gus and I have had some scuffles over who gets to lie on the furniture, but we're cool now... most of the time.

As if that wasn't enough, The People also moved our bedroom stuff around the very next day. This was to make room for a FREAKIN' TREE that they put in the corner, and then they put lights and shiny things all over it. I vaguely remember having something like this in previous years... I think there's a picture somewhere. Anyway, I LOVE it! This thing is not only awesome to sleep under (and yes, Gus and I fight over that, too), but it tastes excellent. The Woman keeps shooing me away from it and going "PSSSST! PSSSSSSST!" when I try to eat it (which I HATE), though, so I leave it alone mostly.

One night I knocked the tree over. I didn't mean to- it was an accident! Nothing got smashed or anything, so I don't know why The People were mad. They just had to put it back up and put the "decorations" back on... and they're still trying to figure out why some of the lights won't light up... but other than that, it's just FINE.

The tree is now attached to the wall with dental floss and a thumbtack. Real classy, Folks. Reeeeal classy.


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