The daily adventures of a swingin' tom cat... or a lazy housecat, depending on who you ask.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New Game! Hooray!

Charlie is SO loving The Man right now. In fact, Charlie is so excited that he feels a strong need to refer to himself in the third person today. Want to know why? OK! CHARLIE WILL TELL YOU!!!

Sorry... Charlie got a little excited there... breathe, Charlie, breathe...

OK, that's better. As I was saying (yes, I'm that calm), The Man is my new Best Friend. Again. Last night The Woman was at work, and The Man invented a new game for me. Actually, he refers to it as "a new way of breaking the Puss' head," but hey, po-TAY-toes/ po-TAH-toes, right? He got a soft, plushy little ball and started bouncing it off the bedroom door and catching it.

That's it. That's the game.

OK, so it doesn't sound that exciting when it's in print, but trust me: This is an AMAZING game! My head was whipping back and forth so fast it almost fell off a couple times, and then I got so worked up that I started chasing the ball. It was like a giant bug or bird flying around! It was GREAT!!!

We showed this new game/ head breaking* to The Woman when she came home. She laughed, and the ball went behind the TV and got lost- I'm not sure whether the two were related. I would go get it, but that would be too much like fetching now, wouldn't it?

*By the way, "breaking the Puss' head" refers to messing with my brain, not a physical breaking of said fuzzy little head. No need to get excited, folks... unless you're chasing the ball. Then it's OK to be excited. How could you NOT be?


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